
The legend of the Thunderbird exists in many Native American cultures as a protector of the people, a creature of great power and strength. Thunderbird Shooting Academy is a group of quiet professionals with dedicated law enforcement careers spent protecting our communities. All instructors have extensive teaching experience ranging from the local basic police academy to specialized federal agencies. Now we have come together to empower responsible citizens to protect themselves with the knowledge and power of defensive firearm skills. Beginning with our basic concealed carry class, we build on a foundation of safety, winning mindset, knowledge of the law and firearms proficiency.

This organization is driven by what we see as a severe deficiency in training opportunities for both law-abiding citizens and professionals at arms. Few civilians have the benefit of any formal firearms training beyond a hunter’s safety class or a bare-bones concealed carry class, which typically do not offer any hands-on training. Unfortunately, many law-enforcement and military personnel also lack sufficient training opportunities. We provide relevant, up to date training which serves the needs of the citizen who has never held a gun, through the veteran SWAT operator, and everyone in between.

In an ever-changing society, it is important that the citizens of our community have the tools to defend themselves and their family. When we are unable to avoid a threat to our very lives, sometimes we must stand and fight. Thunderbird is here to provide safe, structured firearms training in a positive environment with no egos and no nonsense.

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